Tuesday, October 28


I just got home from working the media stuff at church for our youth group, it was kind of boring so I did a lot of thinking. I've had a lot of things on my mind, some of which are bothering me more than others. I'm at a point right now where I don't really know what I want to do in college. I've always wanted to be a graphic designer, probably since I was about 12 or 13. My uncle is one and I really look up to him. But lately, I have been really inspired by photography and I've been doing a lot of that. My art teacher tells me she likes my photography and that I should stick to that. I guess I have a natural eye for things, but its just not really what I want to do, even though I may be better at it. I also haven't really had the chance to do much graphic design. I don't know where this post is going. It just helps to write things sometimes to get them off your mind. I also have something else bothering me quite a bit but I would rather not talk about it on here. I'll spit it out sooner or later. I need to think about it more and see where is goes.

Anyways, here are some of my new photos. I have a lot more that I need to edit and I'll show those off later. Also, check out Hunt's new photos too, they're really good! The quality on here is not that good either so it would be better if you just clicked on the links to our Flickr(s) on the right and check them out there.

Monday, October 27

Morning Rides

A few weeks back I called Peter on a Thursday afternoon around 4:30 pm, I had just left class and I was getting ready to go home to see my girlfriend. When I called Peter I was seeing if he'd like to hangout and grab some food while I journeyed back to Birmingham, Alabama. I ended up staying the night and haning out with him just riding around and discussing different points of our lives and how things have changed us, relationships, basically life in a nutshell. This was the time when we all decided to live together in Chicago. We then woke up the following morning around 7:00 am to go ride bikes and take advantage of the lovely lighting of the morning. We then rode back to his house and drove over to Chik-fil-A and grabbed some needed breakfast and then headed to Walgreens to get some film developed and shortly afterward I departed home. Peter is a great friend, who is always willing to sit and listen to anything you have to say and I thank him sincerely for those moments.

Saturday, October 25

1620 is are Sing Alongs

So last night there was the big pre-halloween party at the infamous 1620 household and I have to say that was one of the better parties I have been to this year. Everyone made sure to come out Aaron, Joey, Tyler and Ape of course, Jean Michael, Patrick, Richard, Emily and Kyle and the list continues. The dancing/sing/swaying/whatever you want to call it was ridiculous, there were points where I thought I was going to fall through the floor it was bowing so much. In the end it was alot of fun and I am sorry if you missed it but feel better because I am bringing to you with some pictures off my phone.

Friday, October 24


My brother took over my computer last night and had some fun on ichat with Hunt..

Kolhton and Seth

I just found out that two internet buddies of mine will also be attending Columbia College Chicago in the next fall semester. Kolhton and Seth are great photographers, especially for there age and I can't really say they are young but they are definitely talented. I met them through a skateboarding forum. I really got to know Kolhton probably a little more than a year ago and we exchange thoughts on each others photos. This was the point where he was in love with his 35mm and he was still shooting only black and white. He then finally got into the square format where at the young age of 16 learned the zone system which is really quite impressive. Then Seth is one of Kolhton's buddies who I better know through flickr and I have watched his photostream for awhile now and I really believe that both of these guys are headed somewhere.

photos by Seth

I now look at Seth and Kolhton's work and I am completely amazed on how much they have changed over the last year. They're style and compositions are really mature and well constructed for their age and their abilities just amaze me. Pete has talked to me multiple times about how much he enjoy's Kolton's work and I have to agree with Pete. Kolhton and Seth, you all really have something going for you and I believe that you all will excell greatly at Columbia.

photos by Kolhton

Aaron Fowler

I met Aaron the first time I ever saw Watkins, when I toured the place about 3 years ago, he just happened to be touring at the same time and it's kinda funny that we are friends now. I remember last fall semester I came to visit my buddy, Peter Halupka and I was so puzzled because I had seen his roommate somewhere before but I just could not put my finger on it. Then after this crazy fiasco which in envolved a certain pink object that led to much humour that weekend, I figured it out and realized that Aaron was the kid from Kentucy that was on my tour. Well I posted a couple images from Aaron's new work and it's really quite amazing and lovely. I suggest that everyone be watching for his work and that you check out his blog.

Thursday, October 23

Everything Seemed Unreal Until I Looked Left and Saw This

These past few days, I have been going straight home from school to study for that dumb ACT. I've probably spent about 15 hours this week on the computer taking practice tests. I've almost felt like I've been detached from the world except for this little thing called the internet. When I drive to school every morning, it is usually dark, being that I leave at 6:30 am. I was running late today for no reason, I just couldn't get myself out of bed. While driving on the interstate, there is a bridge that I always cross over and if you look to your left, you can see the whole city, its amazing. This morning, I looked left and saw this incredible sunrise. Immediately, I got this really weird, natural high feeling. I felt like I haven't ever seen anything like that in my life. I realized that these past few days that I've been so detached from reality because of this dumb macbook of mine. Seeing that sunrise really made me think for the rest of the ride to school. I thought about how I can improve everything I do, and stop being so damn lazy. I know it sounds a little dumb, but it made me realize to value every day. Sunrises happen every single morning, to start off a brand new beautiful day. Anyways, after school today, I went out on a "photo mission", I got over my little silly fear of asking people if I could take their photo. I went around the downtown area and if I saw something that caught my eye, I pulled my car over, got out and took a picture. I went around during lunch at school as well and took photos of the people that looked really content to me. Needless to say, hopefully you'll be seeing some new work from me soon.


Lately I have really been thinking about what I am going to do with my life and the situations I am currently in and how I am going to go about dealing with them. I am currently in attendance at Watkins College of Art and Design and I am finding myself unchallenged and surrounded by a bunch of people that really don't know what is going on. I say this about only some people not the majority because there are definitely just as many that have their heads straight about their studies and take them seriously. Then however, in some of my classes there are just a lot of people who get upset because we have a lot of work in their major and I just sit back and ask myself, why are you here?

I have made the decision that in the fall I will be transferring and studying in Chicago, Illinois at Columbia College. This school was my original choice but I became blinded by somethings and I do not fully regret my decision because it has aloud me to hold onto somethings I was not ready to let go and I realized that I might never be able to fully let them go but at some point I will have to move on because if I am meant to hold on to it then I will be around again to grasp it. I will be moving up there with a handful of friends and I will finally be completely submerged and overwhelmed in my field of photography.

Wednesday, October 22

More on Friends,

I've met a lot of photographers, and only a few stand out to me as "good". I'm very picky when it comes to photography because it is such a precise art. Hunt showed off some of Aaron Fowler's stuff and he talked about Pete's blog. But he has yet to show off his own stuff so I'm taking the liberty to do that because I find it very inspiring.

This next one is the first photograph of his that I saw, and it blew my mind.

Old Friends

Photography today is showcased like never before, do to the mass amounts of opportunities that the internet provides. The internet, in my opinion is a wonderful thing for the art world and the generations of today. I say this because the internet has allowed me to become a bit more dedicated to my work and it tends to push me harder. I see peoples new photos on Flickr and blogs and I just get so excited and I go out and just shoot all I can just so I can put more photos up for others to see and in my old friend, Peter Halupka's blog, he discusses his feelings with the way that the photo world has traveled over time and how he feels about it. I really suggest reading what he has to say about the role that the internet plays today.

Peter Halupka's blog.


Taken by Aaron Fowler

Tuesday, October 21


I am currently 18 and studying photography in Nashville, Tn. I am originally from Birmingham, Alabama where my parents and younger brother reside. I started photography when I was a young child but I really got into it when I started skateboarding, which has been the gateway to many things in my life. I am a confused being just like many and in the end I know I will sort and figure things out but until then, I will be shooting, studying and whatever else life has in store for me.

- Hunt Fanelli

I am 17 years young. I don't really know where I'm going artistically. I was 6 when I received my first camera, a small point and shoot fisher price camera and it changed my life. I waste too much time. I have two brothers and a dog. I love when spring starts, the light and natural beauty is unreal. I care too much about people and things. I don't eat red meat. My friends are a huge part of my life and also a great part of my inspiration. I make a lot of mistakes. I enjoy poetry. I want to be a graphic designer because I don't think I can go anywhere with my photography. I look up to my father a lot but I feel like I'm following in my uncle's footsteps. Kurt Vonnegut taught me extraordinary life lessons. I don't like digital photography. You will get to know me better as this blog continues.

-Alexa Sullivant