Sunday, January 25

It is a New Era

"The time has come to reaffirm our enduring spirit; to choose our better history; to carry forward that precious gift, that noble idea, passed on from generation to generation: the God-given promise that all are equal, all are free and all deserve a chance to pursue their full measure of happiness."
-Barack H. Obama

Monday, January 5

Blue Cadet Three

One of my good friends, Jake Davis, has a band called Blue Cadet Three. They were featured on the Deli Magazine just recently. Here is the article, you should check these guys out. Taxidermic Heartbreak Glory is my favorite song so far.

http://thedelimagazine. com/nashville/index. php

The Nashville music scene has yet another promising new act springing out of our already fertile underground soil. Recorded at Glass Onion Studios (another hopeful upstart), The Blue Cadet Three's recent self-titled seven song debut offers enough gems to make the whole record sparkle. With a sound that nestles somewhere between seafaring gypsy (think Neutral Milk Hotel/Decemberists/Beruit) and bluegrass-indie-western swing (Old Crowe Medicine Show/Elliott Smith/Bright Eyes), the Blue Cadet Three have truly crafted a unique record. They offer a more laid back style than the ever-so-popular psych/punk/garage/noise sound that has flooded so much to the underground music scene in this town.

The record is laden with acordians, mandolins, fiddle, banjo and even a singing saw, which give the record an organic old world feel while lead singer Jacob Davis's gruff yet listenable voice adds even more depth. The songwriting is solid with well penned lyrics that suit the melencholy mood of the album, which remarkably makes no noticeable freshmen mistakes. Musically the band is quite in sync and adept at their instruments which really helps them rise above the number of Nashville acts that depend on attitude and charisma to pull them through. For a first release, the album is excellent; you can look for the Blue Cadet Three to really grow as a force to be reckoned with as 2009 continues, and I eagerly await their future releases.
- JP Conger

Thursday, January 1

Happy New YEAR!


I had an incredible time last night/this morning. Best new years eva! It started off with a kiss from my friend Dree and then one from my friend April. Then, the band JEFF started back up with a kick ass song and we all just danced around in the dance pit, I have so many bruises. But some dumb ass decided to set off a smoke bomb in the middle and almost killed everyone, we all had to get out because we thought there was a fire. What the hell! But other than that, it was awesome. Meemaw played after that and then a band covered Thin Lizzy songs for the rest of the time, it ws so good! April got a good picture right when 2009 hit. You can see my friend Dree's hand, grabbing my face so she can give me a kiss.

On our way to the show, we were driving down Charlotte Pike, and I looked over at some girls next to us at a stop light and they looked back at me and flipped me off then sped off when it turned green. We stayed close behind them, then went around them and flipped them rip your dick off signs. When we got to another light, they followed us as we turned, and when we were on the next street, they swerved around us, and flipped us off again. Little did they know, a cop was hiding in the park right next to the street, and he flipped his lights on and pulled them over. EPIC FAIL.

Here is our victory photo:

Comment and tell me about yours!